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Rock Solid Cut Stone & Supply

Address Stone Fabrication - Top Off Your Project With the Perfect Finishing Touch

As an added bonus, Rock Solid also provides address stone fabrication so you can order all your cut limestone/sandstone, manufactured stone, and accessories in one place. We simply need to know the address number(s) and we'll ship the address stone along with the rest of your order. Whether you need a thin address stone for a manufactured veneer stone application, or the right size for a standard or jumbo brick application, you can expect turn-around times of 3 days or less on standard address stones.

The address stones are created using the appropriate color and style of your stone installation project. If you order your cut stone or manufactured stone through Rock Solid, we'll make sure the address stone matches your order. To place your order today, call 330-877-2775, email us or contact us online. Or to see samples, visit our showroom and cut room at our Hartville, OH location.

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